Supervisors approve purchase of emergency equipment for Sheriff’s Department | The Standard Newspaper

2022-07-01 19:30:49 By : Mr. Shanghai Terppon LIU

The Allamakee County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Monday, June 27 to address a full agenda of matters including a Sheriff’s Department personnel matter relating to a dispatcher/jailer resignation, the consideration of the use of the County credit card for the purchase of medical supplies and approval of Secondary Roads Department Transfers.

The meeting was called to order with Allamakee County Auditor Denise Beyer advising that the 10 a.m. agenda item relating to the consideration of the Byrne JAG Grant Contract and Conditions has been requested to be removed from the meeting agenda by Assistant County Attorney Jill Kistler. Beyer noted that Kistler is waiting on information relating to this grant funding source which has allowed for the Assistant County Attorney position to move to full-time status. The amended meeting agenda was approved with the meeting then moving into Public Comment.

Jim Magner of Waukon discussed concerns relating to the intersection of Four Corners Road and Makee Drive. Magner advised that approaching this intersection from the south presents some safety concerns relating to the incline of the road. He further explained a recent incident where he had some difficulty stopping at the intersection while pulling a load of hay, with his vehicle coming to a stop partially within the intersection due to the steep incline. Magner noted that this stop is very hard on vehicle brakes traveling south with traffic from the east and west, in comparison, having a quarter-mile allowing for greater ease in stopping at this intersection. Magner suggested the north and south stop signs could be removed due to the severity of the incline for improved safety. Board Chairperson Larry Schellhammer advised that Magner’s comments would be conveyed to Allamakee County Engineer Brian Ridenour.

Magner also discussed a slight drop-off from the sidewalk to a portion of the west side courthouse lawn. Supervisor Mark Reiser advised that run-off from salt application on the sidewalk during the winter may have killed grass next to the sidewalk with some erosion taking place.

Ridenour joined the meeting and discussed the upcoming 6-County Meeting scheduled for Thursday, August 4 to be hosted by Fayette County. Ridenour recommended having Allamakee County Attorney Anthony Gericke review the Allamakee County ATV/UTV Ordinance in light of legislative changes relating to ATV/UTV use statewide.

The meeting moved into the consideration of the Des Moines Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa (RAGBRAI) permit for the West Paint Creek Synod Cemetery Association. Executive Director Val Reinke of Allamakee County Economic Development advised that necessary information from the insurance company continues to be delayed with the Supervisors agreeing to take no action at this time.

Ridenour and Beyer discussed the next matter relating to Secondary Roads Transfers, those being the last transfers of the current fiscal year. Reiser made a motion to approve Secondary Road Transfers from General Basic in the amount of $6,102.25 and from Rural Services in the amount of $271,773.60 with that motion being approved.

The meeting moved into Liquor License Renewals for the Allamakee County Conservation Foundation and the Sportsmans Club LLC with both being approved by the Supervisors. Before moving into the next agenda item, Schellhammer made note of Naturalist Ross Geerdes of Allamakee County Conservation and his assistance over the weekend relating to a group from California fishing near the Driftless Area Education and Visitors Center in Lansing.

Allamakee County Sheriff Clark Mellick addressed the next matter relating to a resignation of a jailer/dispatcher. Mellick advised that Dispatcher/Jailer Justin Bullerman has submitted his resignation to be effective July 14, with Bullerman accepting a position with a different organization. Mellick advised that the dispatcher/jailer position is being advertised and clarified that the wage for this position starts at $18.48 per hour per the Union contract. The Supervisors approved to accept the resignation.

Mellick also discussed the next agenda item relating to the consideration of using the County credit card to purchase medical bags, life jackets and rescue gear. Mellick provided an overview of the proposed purchases relating to medical supplies including 15 trauma/pressure bandages, used to wrap around the torso or a limb, to be added to all deputy first aid kits at a total of $90. Mellick further discussed the medical related items that deputies may need to carry with them on a call including the first aid kit, an automated external defibrillator (AED) kit, in addition to ambu-bags, a one-time use handheld bag and mask used to aid in breathing and CPR, which Mellick advised can be used by paramedics when they arrive to directly connect to oxygen.

Mellick also discussed the proposed purchase of 11 backpack-style medical bags to better allow deputies to transport medical equipment on scene at an approximate cost of just under $100 per bag. He also discussed the need for each deputy to be assigned a life jacket for river rescues with life jackets priced at approximately $72 each. Mellick also discussed the need to purchase throw bags which contain ropes used in river rescues. Supervisor Dan Byrnes motioned to allow the use of the County credit card for the purchase of pressure bandages, medical carry bags, life jackets and throw bags not to exceed a total of $2,600, with the matter being approved.

Mellick discussed the frequent need to use the County credit card for various purchases including training and supplies. He mentioned a recent $800 online training session for which a deputy paid using his personal credit card and was later reimbursed. Mellick briefly discussed that a department specific credit card would be beneficial for training expenses and supply purchases. The Supervisors agreed to add the County’s Credit Card Policy for review and discussion at the next scheduled meeting.

Under Department Head Updates, Mellick discussed the upcoming 4th of July weekend with the Harpers Ferry Firecracker 5K scheduled Saturday, July 2 and that a lot of boat traffic is expected due to river levels and the weather forecast with river coverage by the Sheriff’s Department planned and coverage by the DNR also likely. Mellick noted that the Shawn Moody Benefit ATV/UTV Ride held Saturday, June 25 went well with 156 machines registered for the event. He further discussed the dispatcher/jailer vacancy, noting that applicants for this position should be able to multi-task and be computer literate.

Mellick advised that the work schedule for this position involves 12-hour shifts with every other weekend off and 80-hour pay periods. He added that training is provided and that a shift differential is in place for those working overnight.

Allamakee County Emergency Management Coordinator Corey Snitker advised that July will be a busy month with the Allamakee County Fair and RAGBRAI. Snitker discussed working with Lansing’s RAGBRAI Committee relating to planning and that he met with RAGBRAI representatives from Des Moines relating to public safety matters.

Snitker also discussed ongoing work relating to the County Courthouse Security Plan with electrical costs associated with security camera placement being researched by Head of Courthouse Maintenance John Roe. Snitker advised that he will be away on vacation for a five-day period in early July following the 4th of July holiday with coverage by other area emergency management coordinators confirmed. He advised that the next Emergency Management Commission Meeting is scheduled for July 18.

Prior to adjournment, Beyer discussed a clerical error affecting a voter card mailing for one precinct. Beyer advised that this mailing incorrectly indicated that recipients had changed their political party. Beyer advised that new cards are being mailed indicating that their political party has not changed.

Beyer also discussed work related to the end of the fiscal year with the Supervisors scheduled to meet at 9 a.m. Thursday, June 30 to address the final claims for this fiscal year. She discussed attending the Iowa State Association of County Auditors Conference in Dubuque last week and that she will be going over her meeting notes and sharing that information with the Supervisors.  

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