Source performance metrics for EUV mask inspection

2022-06-03 22:45:16 By : Mr. Zhonghua Zhou

“Rules are derived to obtain specifications on radiance, power, lifetime, and cleanliness of the source for an actinic patterned mask inspection system. We focus on the physical processes and technological aspects governing the requirements of radiation sources for reticle inspection. We discuss differences and similarities to scanner with respect to magnification, system etendue, and image recording. Source radiance requirements are estimated from a perspective of targeted throughput and defect detection sensitivity. The derivations consider the influence of photon shot noise on signal detection and conservation laws of light etendue and radiant flux. We describe the scaling laws for required radiance with targeted sensitivity index, optical contrast, field size, and system throughput. In addition, we address the limits on the required brightness and minimum repetition rate set by mask damage threshold. Finally, system and source cleanliness requirements and criticality of the source availability and lifetime are discussed. The analysis can be applied to other microscopy-based metrology and inspection applications.”

Find the open access paper here.

J. of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology, 21(2), 021204 (2022).

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