Mortal Kombat Most Satisfying Victory Animations

2022-05-13 22:39:08 By : Ms. Emma Tang

Mortal Kombat is known for its brutal victory animations, but which ones are the most satisfying?

Mortal Kombat is known for its over-the-top animations, most famously the Fatalities that have been the source of both controversy and celebration for years. While ripping out spines, squashing heads, and melting people with acid get all the gory glory, the praises of another series staple have gone unsung.

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Victory animations are just what they sound like: unique animations that show how each fighter reacts to their victory. Some are boastful, and some are silly. Some are funny, and some are cruel. All put the personality or powers of their fighter on display. It's difficult to pack value into just a few seconds of animation, but packing in value is what Mortal Kombat does best.

A whirling green, arcane portal opens on the ground, disgorging a pile of skulls. Shao Kahn steps forth, stamping upon them as the climbs the heap, at last resting one foot atop the mound like a pirate captain resting upon a keg. With his warhammer slung back over his shoulder, Shao Kahn gazes forward into the void.

The crunch of the bone, the whirl of the magic portal opening, and sounds of the fighter himself are integral to making this victory animation so good, proving that sound design can be as crucial an element in game design as the artwork. Skull and Bones is brutal and impactful, as Mortal Kombat animation should be.

Lifting his machine gun from the ground and slinging the ammo belt over his other arm, Rambo aims ahead and fires, firing the rifle one-handed. As he does, his expression changes from one of resigned readiness to a battle-hardened snarl.

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Spent ammo casings are spit from the gun as the camera draws in for a closeup. Rambo flicks his gun upwards, continuing to fire, discharging his gun into the sky, no longer seeking to kill his opponent but to mark himself as the victor. He screams in defiance, lips contorting as the screen fades to black. Mortal Kombat must take special care to make sure it captures the personality of its guest characters, and in Guns Blazing it does so beautifully.

Her mask gone and shark-like teeth exposed, Mileena snarls in pleasure as she lifts her bloodied hand. Gore and fluids drip from it as Mileena's tongue snakes from her mouth to lick her lips, though it does nothing to wipe away the copious smear of blood that rings it like clown makeup.

The camera cuts to a closeup as Mileena's tongue unfurls like a snake to coil around her bladed fingers, licking them clean with a disgusting slurping sound. She jerks forward, shouting, her razor-toothed wide-open as strings of saliva connect her teeth, one eye pinched shut as she enjoys herself.

The cowboy takes a gold coin and runs it between the knuckles of his left hand, toying with it the way a magician or pickpocket who has mastered sleight-of-hand. He then flips the coin high into the air, following it upwards with his gaze as with his other hand he reaches for the pistol at his hip.

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The master gunfighter that he is, Erron Black takes his time, waiting for the coin to begin to fall before quick drawing, driving the hammer back with his free hand and sending a bullet through the center of the coin, sending sparks and shards of metal flying everywhere. The scene enters slow-motion to show that the coin, still spinning through the air, now has a bullet hole punched perfectly through the middle.

Sub-Zero waves his arms in a semi-circle in front of him, drawing the mystic energy that fuels his frozen power, and the sound of ice crystals solidifying greets the player's ears as snow appears before the fighter. Crouching, Sub-Zero swirls his arms about himself, gathering more of his power as the sound of the forming ice intensifies.

He spins his right hand in a small circle, twirling the vapors around his fingers before striking the ground. His strike causes icicles to radiate outwards like the points on a crown, encircling the fighter as time slows and the last of the ice crystals and snowflakes spiral through the air around him.

The Joker laughs and turns his back on the camera, sauntering away as he tosses his cane cavalierly to the side. The camera shifts to look behind the Joker as from his pocket he draws a detonator. Behind him rest dozens of sticks of dynamite, bound together in bundles, forming a loose pile around his enemy.

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The Joker presses the detonator twice, but nothing happens, an homage to the hospital scene from The Dark Knight. A split-second later, the dynamite detonates, sending fire, dust, and debris rocketing in every direction. The face of the Clown Prince of Crime changes in an instant to one that is difficult to read: a grimace of sorts, neither unhappy nor happy, but somehow foreboding, as if it is the first sign of more awfulness to come.

Shang Tsung's face contorts, his brow furrowing and lips drawing downwards as he reaches out with his left hand towards the camera. Arcane energy swirls towards him, and he collects it in the air above his palm, looking at it with mild interest for a moment before forming it into a burning skull.

The camera then snaps to a closeup of his face as he points, breaking the fourth wall and declaring, "Your soul is mine!" His face then hardens once more. Shang Tsung isn't the only fighter in the game with a victory animation that breaks the fourth wall, but he is surely one of the best.

Cassie is squared up, hands raised, ready to fight. Her drone floats nearby, drawing her gaze, and gives a slight smile. The drone flies in front of her, hovering at eye level, and Cassie reaches out to tickle the air beneath it as if scratching a dog beneath the chin.

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The drone then flies back a bit. Shaping her fingers like a gun, Cassie makes the classic clicking sound before pretending to fire a bullet at the drone. Playing its part, the drone rolls forward in the air, as if shot dead. What makes Cassie Cage's Good Boy animation so satisfying is the obvious affection for her robot. It's like watching any loving owner with their pet, except this pet is made of metal and its owner is one of the greatest fighters in the world.

Johnny Cage, the veteran actor that he is, steps forward and extends his hand, breaking to the fourth wall to take hold of something that a fan wants to be autographed. It's written all over his face: no matter how many autographs he gets asked for, it never ceases to stroke his ego.

Uncapping a marker with his mouth, Johnny signs the screen, finishing the last letter with a flourish, as his sunglasses catch the light in true Hollywood style. Scorpion and Sub-Zero might be more iconic in terms of their look and abilities, but there might be no Mortal Kombat fighter whose personality is more memorable for fans, and victor animations like Autograph are a big part of the reason why.

Cetrion steps forward, waving her arms wide as she closes her eyes and a peaceful expression falls over her face. It begins to rain, and faint thunder can be heard. She raises her arms and face to the sky, basking in the quiet summer shower. Time slows, and the camera looks down on her from above, as droplets continue to streak down towards her and the earth. Her smile is as radiant as it is inhuman.

The camera draws in toward her face as she reaches out and pokes a single raindrop, bursting it. From the sound design to the choice of camera angles to the gentleness of her motions, Cetrion's Cleansed is easily one of the most satisfying victory animations in the series.

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Patrick Armstrong is an artist based in the United States, currently working as a list article writer for Game Rant. When not writing or making art, Patrick can be found playing video games, entertaining cats, and arguing with strangers about Batman.