Cue your mom’s voice: “I wish I’d had that when you were a baby!”
If there ever was a parenting truth you learn quickly in those early days of parenthood, it’s that babies require a lot of stuff. Which, c’mon, that tracks when you consider how much high-tech equipment hospitals have to keep tiny humans alive — and then they send you home with little more than the love in your heart. So, you do what any new parent would: You furiously Google, Facebook friend-poll, and ask everyone from your hairdresser to the lady at the post office what products make life as a new parent easier. But you don’t really have time for that kind of legwork right now. You need a list of clever new baby products that you can bookmark and circle back around to whenever you’re ready to “add to cart.” Well, you found it.
Your mom or grandma might look at the following items and say, “We didn’t have that back in my day!” In all fairness, that’s true. Even your friend who had babies a few years ago might not have heard about some of these gadgets, gizmos, and hacks yet. But those same parents would undoubtedly agree they wish they had things like this when they brought home their babies. How many times have you looked at something so helpful and practical... and lamented that you failed to come up with it first? More than once or twice, right? The following baby products all fall under that banner.
So, while you can’t reap the benefits of having invented them, you can enjoy using them to make life with your little one a skosh easier. Bonus: They make fantastic baby shower gifts.
We at Scary Mommy only include products that have been independently selected by our editors. We may receive a portion of sales if you purchase a product through a link in this article.
With “arms” made of super-soft silicone and shaped like nipples, this little penguin soother is perfect for pacifying breastfeeding babies and teething babies. The stem inside the hollow body gives tiny hands the ideal place to grasp.
Helpful Review: “Omg this toy saved my life. I’m so glad I came across this. My daughter is 4mos and she is breastfed. She refuses a pacifier and uses me as one. She would nipple on my breast without latching causing my skin to go raw. It was soothing to her. But now this toy doesn’t leave her side. The handle is sooo convenient, easy to keep up with. I’m so glad it’s soft because sometimes she will hit herself in the face — it doesn’t faze her, though. I love how it’s shaped like an actual nipple. I think that’s why she loves it so much. It does collect dust so make sure you wash it off before giving to your child. But overall 5 stars I’ve told so many people about this already!”
Will you stick your finger into your baby’s mouth and massage their sore, teething gums? Of course. But there’s an easier and more hygienic way to do it — using these Orajel Baby cooling swabs. Pediatrician-recommended, they’re free of benzocaine, artificial colors, dyes, menthol, artificial sweeteners, parabens, belladonna, preservatives, gluten, dairy, and eugenol.
Helpful Review: “Amazing for teething cranky and fussy babies! My four-month-old would cry all day and not take a nap, and nothing else wouldn’t work. One swab of this stick and he passed out in a nap, finally! I’m happy to know he can sleep in comfort and at the same time I can give him something to take away the pain. I don’t regret buying these and will be buying more!!”
You’d do anything to take away any discomfort your baby experiences, and that definitely includes diaper rashes. In the past, you had to use your fingers to apply any sort of soothing salve, but even your gentle touch could further aggravate your baby’s inflamed bottom. The solution? This clever BPA-free silicone diaper cream applicator designed to keep your fingers clean and comfortably spread the cream so your baby can get relief. Plus, the suction cup base means you can stand it upright while you wrestle your wiggly child.
Helpful Review: “I can hear you scoffing already... "Why is this necessary?"I know because my husband and I literally laughed at this product when we first saw it. We registered for it partially as a joke and partially to see what all the hype was, only to find it to be one of our FAVORITE baby products. I keep my nails long, and digging rash cream out from under my nails is no fun. This is a life saver. It's also nice to know I'm not spreading any of my own germs around my little one's already uncomfortable rash, AND to not have hands that smell like rash cream all day! Long story short, we all know this is not a necessity. But really, how many unnecessary things do you own that make your life that much easier?? Probably more than you'd like to admit. Add this one to your stash of small luxuries.”
Next up on our tour of “tools that make dealing with sort of gross stuff less gross,” we have this oddly adorable booger and ear wax remover. Shaped like a bear on both ends, it has a loop on one side for “sticky boogers” and a scoop on the other for “dried boogers.” And that cute little bear head? It’s designed to keep the device from going too far into baby’s nose or ears. Smart!
Helpful Review: “The oogiebear works really well. The bears protruding ears make it so that you can't push the device too far into your baby's nose. The material is also soft and comfortable for baby as well. The little scoops on either end do a great job of fishing out boogers and my baby doesn't seem to mind much at all. I agree with another reviewer here though that said that, for the price, there should be a little case included. Other than that I really like this.”
Sure, corner guards have been around forever. But in the past, protecting baby from sharp edges of furniture usually meant sacrificing the aesthetics of your home decor. And obviously, that’s a price any parent would pay to protect their child. However, it’s nice when you can have both safety and style, which is what you get with these clear corner guards. Just be sure to check the adhesive strength as soon as you get yours, as some reviewers note that the adhesive doesn’t seem to work as well on certain types of surfaces.
Helpful Review: “After searching through several corner covers and none of them truly fixing the issue of hard, pointed corners, I found these! They are PERFECT! They provide a soft rounded corner, without really compromising the look of your furniture. Other corner covers are still hard, come in colors that don’t match your furniture, and/or are just plain ugly. I received these right on time and installed them in minutes! They go on super easy and come off without damaging your table but not easily enough that a baby or toddler can remove. They use small adhesive stickies to secure them to your furniture, I will surely recommend these to friends and family.”
Any parent who has ever attempted to give an infant liquid medicine knows the struggle. Baby won’t sit still, so you spill medicine everywhere. Or they don't want to swallow and spit it back out, leaving you to wonder how much of the meds they actually ingested. This paci-style baby medicine dispenser bypasses baby’s tastebuds and doubles as an actual paci so dosing is more accurate.
Helpful Review: “I just got this in yesterday, and I already LOVE it. My 2-month-old needs reflux medicine twice a day. The medicine tastes awful, and he spits out most of it every time. I ordered this paci to try to help him get the full dose. It works perfectly. It's like he has no idea he is getting medicine. Totally worth the investment. Not only do I not have to deal with a sticky mess anymore, but I know he is getting all the medicine he needs. And when your baby isn't gaining properly because of reflux, you want to do everything possible to help them. I haven't been let down by the Fridababy brand yet.”
A high chair that you can take anywhere? Yes, please. All you have to do to secure this easy seat is slide the reinforced hood over the top of whatever chair you want your baby to sit in. Once in place, you just pull the strap around the back of the chair to secure it. The five-point safety harness ensures your baby stays safe and snug while still being able to “sit” with Mom.
Helpful Review: “My 10-month-old had a booster-type chair that straps on one of the chairs at the table but she would try and climb out of it and onto the table and was able to wiggle out of the straps and it was scary to see. I was looking for something with straps that go over the shoulders to really secure her in. This “high chair” keeps her snuggled in and I’m not worried about her getting out. I also LOVE that I can easily take it off the chair and throw it in the washing machine which is so much easier than wiping down an actual high chair. Also, this could be because we have a bar height table, but my daughter sits in this cozy seat on top of a booster seat to help her reach the table and she’s still strapped in tight and safe.”
Moms are major multitaskers, so we appreciate products that are, too. This portable diaper changing pad definitely fits the bill. In addition to folding out and providing a detachable changing pad to protect baby from germy surfaces, it offers mesh pockets to hold gear and more, a reversible pocket for easy wipes access, and a comfortable head pillow for support.
Helpful Review: “I ordered several portable diaper changers and returned them all EXCEPT this one. In fact, I am going to order one for the car of each family member that cares for my two children. My favorite thing about it is that the wipes portion can be placed on either the inside or outside. I like to keep it on the outside so that I can easily access wipes when I reach inside the diaper bag, even if I do not need to change a diaper. My second favorite thing is that there are small straps that allow you to attach this to the back headrests in your car. So, again, I always have wipes that are easy to reach, and if I am taking a short trip to CVS or the playground, I do not even pack a diaper bag because I always have one of these portable diaper changers strapped in EVERY car, with 1-2 diapers in both of my kids' sizes (2 month old and 2 year old.)”
Long gone are the days of draping an old terrycloth towel over you and your baby, or trying to tuck your breastfeeding child beneath your shirt for a little privacy (if that’s your thing). This multi-use nursing cover features an adaptable design so you can use it on your car seat or stroller to protect baby from the elements, on a shopping cart to shield baby from germs, or over yourself as you breastfeed.
Helpful Review: “I LOVE this! I use this cover every time I leave the house and even sometimes at home. It is super easy and quick for use as a carseat cover, attractive as an infinity scarf, and provides perfect and reliable privacy as a nursing cover. I will recommend this to everyone! As a mom, we lug so much around with us that it is nice to find a product that truly does the job of several items in such an effective manner.”
It’s a purse! It’s a diaper bag! It’s a portable baby bed! If you're looking for the Optimus Prime of baby gear, here it is. The stylish tote boasts 16 independent pockets, breathable padded straps, waterproof fabric, and the ability to transform into a portable cradle.
Helpful Review: “Great design and dual-purpose diaper bag! Perfect to take to the park or when visiting family. Large compartment for storage with separate compartments for bottles and wipes. Bassinet is roomy and seems sturdy on a flat surface.”
What is a Baby Shusher, you ask? It’s exactly what it sounds like — using a real human voice, this device lulls your restless babe to sleep using a calming shush. Simple, yet effective and time-saving for tired moms. Parents say it works so well that they wish the timer would extend beyond 30 minutes.
Helpful Review: “I was introduced to this at my twin's newborn photoshoot. It helped them fall right to sleep and she was able to get AMAZING shots! A few weeks later, I was going on little to no sleep trying to get my girls to calm back down and go to sleep, then a lightbulb went off and I remembered this amazing shhhh machine. So in the wee hours of the morning, a desperate, sleep-deprived mom ordered this and has been using it ever since. I usually try to only use it at bedtime so they associate the sound with bedtime. It really helps my girls calm down and fall asleep. I love it!!!”
Listen, a thing need not be the flashiest of the bunch to be brilliant. Boogie Bottoms figured out a way to pack a professional-grade, soothing diaper rash cream into a spray. A spray! The touchless application means less chance of cross-contamination or aggravating your baby’s already tender tush. (Plus, no more greasy baby butt cream residue on your fingers.)
Helpful Review: “Love this product. I wish they had this years ago. I am using for my granddaughter. She developed a nasty yeast rash following a round of antibiotics for strep. She never gets diaper rash and I have tried multiple creams, even prescription nystatin. But paste made it worse. This stuff is great. Worth the price, no mess, and she is almost completely clear after 2 days. Am definitely going to keep it on hand as a preventive measure.”
It goes without saying that wipes aren’t exactly a cutting-edge new product. So, what makes these new and unique? They contain only three ingredients: the wipe, 99.9% purified water, and a drop of fruit and berry extract. In addition to gently cleaning and helping protect sensitive skin, they’re also better for the environment — compostable, plant-based, plastic-free, and USDA-certified biodegradable.
Helpful Review: “These are the only brand of wipes I can use on my super sensitive skin baby's bottom. He developed an allergy to something in the wipes we were previously using practically overnight so finding these was a life saver. Plus, Grandma is full Irish so we love the back story of how Water Wipes came to be. They are a little more expensive but worth it for how much they help with diaper rash for us.”
When you’re a new parent, the fear that comes with trimming baby’s nails is no joke. Their fingers are so tiny, and you’re so new at this. The last thing you want to do is accidentally hurt your little one, but you also need to keep those talons in check so they don’t hurt accidentally hurt themselves. This nail trimmer kit can help alleviate a lot of that stress. It comes with an electric nail trimmer, so you can avoid the OG kind if you prefer. Plus, the trimmer comes equipped with an LED light to help ensure you don’t file too far down on baby’s tiny nails.
Helpful Review: “My 2-month-old baby girl smiled throughout her ‘manicure’ with this nail file — no tears! Much easier than clipping her nails. There are different files and speeds so you can choose what’s right for your child. It is easy to use and change the files on and off. This is a must-have for new moms! Will be recommending this to all my friends and family for their children.”
Introducing your baby to solid foods can provide more than a few anxious moments. What if they bite off too big of a chunk and start choking on it? This two-piece fruit feeder set lets your little one try delicious fruity goodness without the potential hazard. And since the “teats” are made from BPA-free, latex-free, lead-free, and phthalate-free silicone, they double as fantastic teethers.
Helpful Review: “I recently purchased this because my five month old was not only starting to teethe but was also on her journey into the introduction of foods other than milk. I previously purchased the baby feeder that had the mesh net and quickly retired it after this came in the mail. It's the easiest thing to clean and the handle is thick enough so that the little one is able to get a good grip. It comes with multiple nipples that grow with her age and the colors are soo vibrant that it's able to catch baby's eye. I recommended this to my mommy friends in the same boat and they love it too!”
Remember the olden days when you had to test your baby’s bath temperature with your hand? (We do, too.) Retire your water-temp-testing hand with this cute and easy-to-use bath safety thermometer. The adorable seal design will earn baby’s approval, while you’ll appreciate the 1-second temperature readout on the big LCD display.
Helpful Review: “Was nervous to give my baby bath, didn't want to burn her; turns out I've been making the bath water too cold. New moms, this is a must!”
Some of the best baby products are the ones that grow with your child, like this cool gadget from Hatch. Multi-functional, it provides soft light and white noise for your infant, a nightlight ideal for the toddler years, and a time-to-rise setting perfect for the grade-school years. There are even preset sound and color combos recommended by sleep experts.
Helpful Review: “Are you an anal-retentive mother like me? Then boy, do I have the product for you! I spent a lot of time researching sound machines and initially purchased this for our newborn. It worked great for nighttime feedings as you can adjust the light brightness from your phone. Have a big blowout that occurred at 2 am? Fear not. This light will get you through that changing without having to wake the baby with bright overhead lights.”
While old wives’ tales and advice from well-meaning family members might come through every now and then, you want something quick and effective when your baby has cradle cap. The options used to be limited, but this “flake fixer” system means you’ve got a new one-two-three punch way to K.O. pesky scalp probs. Each kit comes with a soft foam sponge for lathering, a gentle bristle brush for loosening flakes, and a fine-tooth curved comb for lifting flakes away from baby’s scalp.
Helpful Review: “This works. It just does. It will work for you- there’s no way your baby’s cradle cap will win this war. Granted my 3 month old didn’t have the worst case of it- but I used this system once. One time. All of the crusty gunk removed by the comb of wonders. Had to clean it off 3 times during the bath. Which was very gratifying. It’s like popping a zit. I only got to experience the joy once, because that was all it took. Cradle cap gone.”
It seems deceptively simple — they’re just spoons, right? But as any parent of a baby transitioning to solids will tell you, newly minted eaters can be extremely picky about their utensils. Plus, because they’re still mastering things like pincer grasp and hand-eye coordination, they can struggle to keep the spoon upright enough to contain whatever’s in it. These baby spoons feature a clever design that helps baby get better at independent feeding during their first stage (purees) and second stage (soft or solid foods).
Helpful Review: “My sweet girl is just attempting purees and she would shut down when I'd try and put a spoon in her mouth. Now I just dip this in the puree, hand it over and she does her own thing. Allows her to feel a sense of control over her eating as well as working on her fine motor skills. I love it, and have bought them for a few of my friends who are expecting.”
While wipe warmers aren’t exactly a new invention, they’ve come a long way over the years. This highly rated model serves as a great example. It fits most major brands of wipes, has an easy-to-read LED screen display for real-time and desired temp, and even comes with a car adapter so you can use it on the go. And that’s to say nothing of the super-convenient built-in nightlight, which seems to be a favorite feature among parents who’ve reviewed the product.
Helpful Review: “This wipe warmer keeps the wipes warm and doesn't dry them out like other warmers. The difference is wipe package stays in the warmer. Be sure to rip off the plastic top of your wipes. This warmer is perfect for my newborn, especially during the winter. It has a nightlight in the front and lets you know the temperature. In the box, you will find a charger for use in the car. This can be useful for traveling. It is super easy to set up. Just plug in and wait for the initial warm-up. Very simple.”
Spending time in the great outdoors with your little one is a guaranteed dopamine boost. However, figuring out where baby can comfortably chill while you’re outside can be tricky. This colorful activity center folds and unfolds in seconds, making it the go-to accessory for your favorite little outdoor buddy. Three levels of adjustment also mean that it’ll last you more than one summer.
Helpful Review: “My son tried this out at 3 months old and has been bouncing away ever since! He LOVES this. He loves the attached toys and of course bouncing over and over and over. *I* love how easy it is to fold up and move out of the way. We haven't used it outside with the canopy yet, but it seems solid. This is my second child, and I WISH I had one of these when my firstborn was a baby instead of the monstrous bouncer that seemed to take up the whole living room. Best baby purchase EVER!”
You can never be too careful when baby is in the bath, which means keeping a constant vigil at their side while they splish and splash. But your knees... your poor knees. And your elbows? Ouch! Kneeling on the floor to give your little one a bath can be brutal on your joints. This kneeler and elbow rest pad set saves you that discomfort so you can focus on baby (not your creaky joints). Bonus: The elbow pad comes equipped with storage compartments ideal for stashing baby shampoo and bath toys.
Helpful Review: “Excellent purchase. I cannot tell you how many times I struggled giving the little one a bath when kneeling down beside the tub because my elbows slipped and slide or my knees ached when trying to get up. This item is excellent and the price is well worth it.”
This side of 10 years ago, cooling relief for breastfeeding pain meant grabbing a bag of frozen peas. But thanks to this clever breastfeeding starter kit, you can (hopefully) fend off problems and address them if they do pop up. For example, the nipple everter draws out flattened nipples so your baby can latch better, making it less likely you’ll experience painful cracking from an improper latch. And a brilliant three-in-one gel therapy pack fits around the breast to deliver cooling relief. A miracle for mastitis! The set also includes a nipple cream and disposable nursing pads.
Helpful Review: “This was originally an impulse buy just before I was scheduled to have labor induced. I can't say how glad my husband and I were that I had this kit from night one! The nipple everter, in particular, was immediately useful as it helped with first time latching and almost every other time we initiated breast feeding. The lactation specialist even said it was a really smart buy! The cooling packs we're useful once my milk truly came in (not just the costrum), as my breasts were incredibly engorged and painful! Everything in this kit, from the nipple ointment and pads, to the nipple everter and cooling gels was useful! I can't say enough good things about this product.”
When you’re so bleary-eyed from lack of sleep that you’re a walking zombie (or mombie, as it were), it’s OK to admit you need a little help. Hell, it’s always OK to admit you need a little help — it takes a village, right? But in the middle of the night when you can’t exactly call your mom or sister to come over, this genius little device will have your back. It’s as easy as pressing a button once after each nursing or feeding, diaper change, sleep/awake time, or medication administering. Then, the “Pocket Nanny” will let you know when it’s time for the next round of whatever tasks you’re tracking.
Helpful Review: “We have used this amazing gizmo for 3 babies now..even in the era of apps & iPhone tracking options we find it to be the perfect way to track baby's care in the midst of sleep deprivation. Maybe you have to be as sleep-deprived as we were to appreciate its simplicity, but the first baby we used it for has medical issues and screamed around the clock. We were so drained we could barely remember what our own names were, much less when to do what. But pressing a little button with a bottle or a diaper was simple enough to register...and she had medications, so we used the extra button to track that. Seriously a lifesaver and godsend!”
File this under things you wish you’d invented: burp cloths with built-in pockets for hot and cold therapy gel packets. Whether baby is struggling with colic, an upset tummy, or teething pain, you can help comfort them by laying them on the burp cloth with the coordinating therapeutic burp cloth. Parents swear they work like magic!
Helpful Review: “I am so glad I bought this! For me, it is the solution to colic. Colic Mystery Solved! It comforts both me and baby when I use it. I will be purchasing one of these for every baby shower and loved one with children. The package is awesome and will make for a perfect gift.”