VeeloVEIL from Veelo Technologies is an extremely light and conductive metallized nonwoven used by the aerospace industry to protect composite aerostructures from environmental and man-made hazards, and improve survivability. Available in 12 and 36-in-wide roll stock product form, VeeloVEIL is electrically uniform and conforms to complex curves. It is engineered to add conductive performance to thermoset and thermoplastic composites.
VeeloVEIL has a 3-100x lower sheet resistance than other metallized nonwovens at similar areal weights and shows 4.5-300x higher specific conductivity. It is 50-75% lighter and produces superior shielding performance (>100 MHz) when compared to expanded copper foil (ECF) alternatives. It features low resistivity, 2-40 mΩ/cm; a low basis weight of 20-80 g/m2 (dry); edge-to-edge electrical uniformity of <5% COV; and electrical anisotropy (MD/CD) of less than 2:1.
This specialty material is used for lightning strike protection and electromagnetic effects protection, including EMI shielding, asset hardening, and repairing electrical networks on composite skinned air vehicles. It is available in commercially integrated product forms including film adhesive and surfacing film and integrates into the prepreg system of choice. VeeloVEIL is utilized in multiple DoD and prime programs, in military and general aerospace applications.
Veelo Technologies, 10340 Julian Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45215,
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